Shop Small This Holiday Season

Shop Small This Holiday Season

This Small Business Saturday, we’re making it easy to shop small and support the military community during the holiday season. Whether you’re shopping for special holiday gifts for family and friends or something to treat yourself, and no matter your holiday budget,...
True Collaboration

True Collaboration

A lot of people talk about joint venturing, collaborating, and working together. The way they put this into action is interesting. Many times people unwilling to invest in themselves ask other people to schedule calls to “see how they can work together”. This is often...
Best Holiday Food Gifts to Send Your Senior Loved Ones

Best Holiday Food Gifts to Send Your Senior Loved Ones

2020 has been a really tough year for everyone living in senior homes. You might’ve done everything you can to pamper your elderly family member isolated in their care center, but as winter holidays arrive, they’re going to miss spending time with you even more than...

December Newsletter 2020

This content is available only to AFEUSA "General Members". If you are a "General Member", log in below... Log in for "Customized Benefits Package Members" is coming soon (check back...
Using Memes in Marketing — Good Idea, or Bad?

Using Memes in Marketing — Good Idea, or Bad?

Research shows that using memes, GIFs, and/or images on your Twitter social media page will increase engagement — but that’s not the only reason many big corporations are embracing memes in their advertising. Research shows that using memes, GIFs, and/or images on...
How to Best Mentor Your Entrepreneur Child

How to Best Mentor Your Entrepreneur Child

It can be scary when your child wants to follow your footsteps as an entrepreneur. You know just how risky it can be and the sacrifices they’ll have to make. However, it can be just as exciting to know that you — in some small or big way — have inspired them to follow...

How to Create Your Strategic Financial Advantage

#287 Episode Summary:  In this Episode, you’ll discover how you can get the Strategic Advantage to Create Financial Independence, how to accelerate your business growth and invest wisely with Genius Network Alumni Garrett Gunderson. Garrett is the Founder and Chief...
Losing Your Hearing? You’re Not Alone

Losing Your Hearing? You’re Not Alone

Although it can be a terrifying experience, don’t feel ashamed of losing your hearing. According to the Johns Hopkins Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health, over 38.2 million Americans (14.3%) report some degree of hearing loss. That’s nearly 1 in 7...
This Is Why Couples Fight About Money

This Is Why Couples Fight About Money

Money is a tricky subject. Even close families avoid talking about it because it can be a very sensitive and divisive topic — but, as a couple, you can’t escape conversations about finances as it’s interwoven with your life together. So, where do the problems come...
Stop Sending Spam — Build Your Audience

Stop Sending Spam — Build Your Audience

Now that everyone is plugged into the digital world, this is a better time than ever to reach new audiences. But how do you get peoples’ attention on the internet when literally everyone is vying for attention? You might think: Hey, man, I can’t compete with cat...

Making Marketing Work

#384 Episode Summary: Have your marketing campaigns gone stale? Listen in as Joe Polish, Dean Jackson, and Michael Fishman—a trusted adviser of brands on marketing, positioning, and business growth—share how to make money, shortcut results, attract Business, AND feel...
Pay Only $16 a Month for Your Company Phone Bill

Pay Only $16 a Month for Your Company Phone Bill

These days, using a landline is so early 2000s. All you need to be accessible is to have a phone, and imagine what could happen if that phone number were accessible to both your phone and your computer?  We’ve talked a little bit about the importance of cloud storage...
Put Your Ladder On The Right Wall

Put Your Ladder On The Right Wall

There are many situations where people place their ladder on the wrong wall. It could be assuming their team sees their vision with Clarity and understands exactly how to implement it. It could be thinking a set of actions are useful when in reality they are going to...