Help People Become Better

Help People Become Better

I believe that all human beings have some area of their life that causes them a lot of pain. It also causes them to fight silent battles. They build their businesses and their image, but there is this thing inside them that HURTS. What people don’t realize about a lot...
Should I Consolidate My Student Loans?

Should I Consolidate My Student Loans?

These days, an increasing number of young entrepreneurs are dealing with the same question: What do I do about my student loans? Fortunately, federal loan consolidation is often a great option for student loan borrowers. It provides the convenience of having only one...
Can People Steal Your Tax Return?

Can People Steal Your Tax Return?

Not enough people prepare before a serious, irreversible crime is committed against them, their families, and their businesses: identity theft. And with the government’s biggest relief program in the pipelines, we’d like to remind everyone that it’s very possible for...
Have You Talked to Your Kids About Texting and Driving?

Have You Talked to Your Kids About Texting and Driving?

Would it surprise you if we said that, in 2020, the rate of death due to car accidents went up 24% compared to 2019? According to the National Safety Council, that’s the biggest annual leap since 1924. Although people have been driving less during the pandemic, the...

April Newsletter 2021

This content is available only to AFEUSA "General Members". If you are a "General Member", log in below... Log in for "Customized Benefits Package Members" is coming soon (check back...
9 Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned

9 Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned

Here are 9 valuable lessons I’ve learned in business that you may find useful: You will often spend more money to get Clients than you make in immediate profits. The real money isn’t made on the front end — it’s made on the backend. Marketing is your OFFER, the...
The 3 Core Principles of Your SEO Strategy

The 3 Core Principles of Your SEO Strategy

Whether you’re an SEO expert or just learning, you know that content quality is key to a high ranking on Google’s search engine. If you’re copying content from other websites, you simply won’t stand out enough to land on the first page (or the first 10 pages) of any...
How Brushing Your Teeth Reverses the Decay Process

How Brushing Your Teeth Reverses the Decay Process

Although we’re told to brush our teeth for two minutes, two times a day, we don’t usually get an in-depth explanation of the entire tooth decay process. However, understanding it just might make you recommit to brushing your teeth for the full two minutes every...
3 Networking Tricks for Introverts

3 Networking Tricks for Introverts

Making new friends in business is challenging when interacting with people naturally drains you. You might actually enjoy meeting new people, but it wears you down faster than most. What do you do? No. 1: Set yourself up for success. Your introversion is likely a key...
Are You Jabbing Enough?

Are You Jabbing Enough?

When Joe interviewed Gary Vaynerchuk, the CEO of VaynerMedia, Gary laid out his Business Philosophy around “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook”. JABS, according to Gary, are the VALUE you provide to your Customers. This includes content you put out, the...
If You Don’t Want A Senior Home, What’s Next?

If You Don’t Want A Senior Home, What’s Next?

We only want the best for our parents. After the events of 2020, we may not be so sure that a senior home is the best option for them. If you’re estate planning, you may also be considering your ideal future options if you’re unable to communicate.  That’s why a lot...
Are Rewards Credit Cards Worth It?

Are Rewards Credit Cards Worth It?

Getting 5% back on all your purchases is a tempting offer — even if it’s only cents most of the time, it can still majorly add up by the end of the year. But are rewards cards really worth it? Let’s take a look. Pay off the bill on time.If you don’t pay off your card...
Get A Second PPP Loan

Get A Second PPP Loan

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) relaunched in December, with brand new applications being released on March 3, 2021. As a small-business owner, you’re being prioritized by lenders and given extra resources to keep your business on the ground.The Paycheck...
Are You Tracking Your Marketing ROI?

Are You Tracking Your Marketing ROI?

Marketing is arguably one of the most creative aspects of running a business — and it’s the most important to track and collect data on. Understanding your customers begins with understanding their feedback; knowing which marketing tactics are working for them (and...