For many kids, the COVID-19 pandemic will probably be the most defining event of their generation. After suffering through a year marked by social isolation, stresses at home, losing school and sports, widespread fear and panic, grief and loss of loved ones, it is no...
You have a meeting in 30 minutes, but you’re already starving. It’s too late to order or pick up food (or at least anything healthy). What do you do? It’s time to put together a 10-minute, healthy meal — and you won’t even need a recipe to put these together....
The well-being of your family and your partner might be a large reason you’re driven to grow your business — but that doesn’t mean your relationships have to take a back seat all the time. You can still make your loved ones feel appreciated whenever possible! Here are...
#394 Episode Summary: If you’re currently not sleeping well, are struggling with insomnia or looking for ways to MAXIMIZE your sleep time, this is the episode for you. Dr. Michael Breus is a double board-certified clinical psychologist and clinical sleep specialist...
If you want to make your business more accessible to all customers, consider how you could make it easier for the deaf community to utilize what you offer. You might not only earn business from a new group, but your customer base might love supporting your business...
What if you started focusing on your strengths instead of your weaknesses? As Dan Sullivan says, “If you spend too much time working on your weaknesses, all you end up with is a lot of strong weaknesses.” Most of the things people are really good at, they feel guilty...
Are you tired of your fitness resolutions falling apart? Fitness is alluring to people for many different reasons, and it can be difficult to discover that reason for you. However, there is something undeniable in being human — we all want mentors we connect well...
#393 Episode Summary: Zig Ziglar’s closing techniques and mindset shifts are still in use today! This week we are revisiting the episode where Joe Polish, Dean Jackson, Kevin Harrington, Mark Timm, and Jason Fladlien examined the IMPACT Zig has had on their lives and...
If you’re wondering why you should bother paying costs to protect your virtual assets, you’re not alone — a lot of small business owners do. Not many are willing to go the extra mile to prevent their information from being abused. That’s exactly why cybercriminals...
I believe that all human beings have some area of their life that causes them a lot of pain. It also causes them to fight silent battles. They build their businesses and their image, but there is this thing inside them that HURTS. What people don’t realize about a lot...
These days, an increasing number of young entrepreneurs are dealing with the same question: What do I do about my student loans? Fortunately, federal loan consolidation is often a great option for student loan borrowers. It provides the convenience of having only one...
Not enough people prepare before a serious, irreversible crime is committed against them, their families, and their businesses: identity theft. And with the government’s biggest relief program in the pipelines, we’d like to remind everyone that it’s very possible for...
#216 Episode Summary: ABOUT DAVID BACH: 9 Time New York Times Best-Selling Author David Bach has helped millions of people around the world take action to live and finish rich. He is one of the most popular and prolific financial authors of our time with eleven...
Would it surprise you if we said that, in 2020, the rate of death due to car accidents went up 24% compared to 2019? According to the National Safety Council, that’s the biggest annual leap since 1924. Although people have been driving less during the pandemic, the...
This content is available only to AFEUSA "General Members". If you are a "General Member", log in below... Log in for "Customized Benefits Package Members" is coming soon (check back...
Here are 9 valuable lessons I’ve learned in business that you may find useful: You will often spend more money to get Clients than you make in immediate profits. The real money isn’t made on the front end — it’s made on the backend. Marketing is your OFFER, the...
Whether you’re an SEO expert or just learning, you know that content quality is key to a high ranking on Google’s search engine. If you’re copying content from other websites, you simply won’t stand out enough to land on the first page (or the first 10 pages) of any...
Although we’re told to brush our teeth for two minutes, two times a day, we don’t usually get an in-depth explanation of the entire tooth decay process. However, understanding it just might make you recommit to brushing your teeth for the full two minutes every...
Making new friends in business is challenging when interacting with people naturally drains you. You might actually enjoy meeting new people, but it wears you down faster than most. What do you do? No. 1: Set yourself up for success. Your introversion is likely a key...
To celebrate International Women's Day, this article challenges readers with 10 ways they can participate in building the new ecosystem — the queendom — in entrepreneurship and venture capital.