Why Is SEO Important, Really?

Why Is SEO Important, Really?

Did you know that 46% of all Google searches are looking for local information? Although “SEO” might sound like a fancy techie term that doesn’t apply to your small business, it actually does. Having good SEO means that locals can easily find your business when they...
Putting the ‘Fun’ Back Into Networking

Putting the ‘Fun’ Back Into Networking

If you’ve been hopping on Zoom conferences and LinkedIn message boards since the pandemic started, remote networking might not feel like much fun anymore. Or maybe networking has not been a priority for a while now, and it feels like it might be too late to get...
Stop Buying $7 Espresso – Make It On-the-Go!

Stop Buying $7 Espresso – Make It On-the-Go!

Okay, let’s be real here: We’re not sponsored by any of these guys. But as a family of entrepreneurs, we’re massive fans of hot, fresh espresso anytime, anywhere. That’s exactly what you get with these handheld espresso makers. AeroPressInvented by a frustrated...
How To Become More Persuasive

How To Become More Persuasive

In his world renowned book, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”, Robert Cialdini, the ‘Godfather of Influence’, talked about what you should put INTO a message to increase the likelihood people would want it. When Robert wrote his book...
Increase Your Retention, Quick!

Increase Your Retention, Quick!

After getting new customers, many business owners assume they’ll stick around — but why should they? That’s the question a great retention strategy will help answer for you. Over 70% of customers will leave a business due to unsatisfactory customer service. A big part...
What’s an SBA Loan — And Does Your Business Qualify?

What’s an SBA Loan — And Does Your Business Qualify?

Struggling to survive in 2021? You’re not out of options yet! With the PPP and many other relief efforts being made during the pandemic, you might think: “Wait, they’re bringing out another program?” Not exactly. SBA Community Advantage (CA) loans have been around...
Getting Clear On The REAL Problem

Getting Clear On The REAL Problem

According to Keith Cunningham, one of the world’s foremost authorities on business mastery, the problems most of us are dealing with are not even really the problems. When Keith spoke at Genius Network®, he asked everyone in the room to think of one of their...
How Likely Are You to Be Injured While Traveling?

How Likely Are You to Be Injured While Traveling?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 18%–24% of traveler deaths are due to injuries. So, that begs the question — how likely are you to be injured while traveling, especially across borders? Studies show that between 15%–37% of...

June Newsletter 2021

This content is available only to AFEUSA "General Members". If you are a "General Member", log in below... Log in for "Customized Benefits Package Members" is coming soon (check back later). Username Password Remember Me     Forgot...
Feeling Out of Touch With Your Inner Power Lately?

Feeling Out of Touch With Your Inner Power Lately?

In 2021, people are more politically and ideologically divided than ever. The world doesn’t want cold, unempathetic leaders. If you’re the present, heart-centered, and conscious leader that we’re all looking for, you likely agree with some of the following: • Pleasing...
What Happens If I Don’t Have a Patent?

What Happens If I Don’t Have a Patent?

Entrepreneurs are an extremely inventive group of people — some of whom are inventors! Invention, after all, is a great way of pursuing the American Dream. It can lead to a new business, and even a whole new market (i.e., when Ford invented cars). However, inventors...
You Are A Million Dollar Racehorse

You Are A Million Dollar Racehorse

I interviewed an individual years ago named Terri Lonier, who wrote a book called “Working Solo.” During the interview, we talked about “The Million Dollar Racehorse.” Think of yourself as a Million Dollar Racehorse… If you owned a Million Dollar Racehorse, how would...
Is Poor Posture Making Your Life Harder?

Is Poor Posture Making Your Life Harder?

Even people in their 20s can experience the pains of poor posture — and it certainly doesn’t get less painful later on. That’s why, when we correct our posture, we’ll often feel immediate internal bodily relief. “But wait,” you might say. “I feel pretty good while...
Should You Use a Rental Car for Your Next Road Trip?

Should You Use a Rental Car for Your Next Road Trip?

Planning your next road trip? If so, are you sure you want to take your own car? While it might seem obvious that driving a rental car would be more expensive than driving your own, there are certain scenarios where you may want to use a rental car instead. First, a...
Are You Using the Right ‘Void Fill’ for Your Packages?

Are You Using the Right ‘Void Fill’ for Your Packages?

When’s the last time you got a package shipped with packing peanuts? While Styrofoam is certainly cheaper than other materials, the growing awareness of Styrofoam possibly being carcinogenic has led to cities and countries worldwide to ban the material. Getting your...