The amount of creativity and sheer willpower you’re forced to muster every single day as an entrepreneur makes it kind of inevitable that you’re going to hit a wall sometimes. You’re only human, and the important thing to keep in mind is that you will get out of that slump. You will get unstuck, you will return to your normal level of productivity, and you will get moving sooner than you think. This standstill won’t last forever, as long as you know how to snap out of it. First, realize there’s a problem, then step away from it, and finally, let yourself know exactly what you’re going to do about it.
There are plenty of ways to overcome setbacks, whether that means taking time away from the office or bringing in an outside party to take a look at the holdup. It’s important to understand: This all comes with the territory. The whole reason you’re an entrepreneur in the first place is because you’re tailor-made for risk-taking. Sometimes risks pay off, sometimes they don’t. The worst thing you want to do in a slump is sit around and wait for it to pass. It will in fact pass, but you don’t have enough hours in the day to leave the flow of your creative juices to chance. It doesn’t matter if you’re feeling stuck on a detail or stuck in your current industry, it’s important to take a moment to look around and prioritize the issues at hand. What’s more important: Your sanity or that new logo?
Understanding your actual problem from every angle will put you in a position to resolve it. No problem is so enormous that it should overwhelm you to the edge of sanity. Every problem has a micro solution that will lead to macro results — it just boils down to giving yourself a second to think about what that solution may be. Chances are, it’s been right in front of you all along.
Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor