For all you Hispanic women out there with wishes of owning your own business, here’s some exciting news! El Consulado General de Mexico en Phoenix is kicking off their third annual Consular Entrepreneurship Program. This program was strictly designed for women, more specifically women of Mexican decent. Wanting to help and encourage new entrepreneurs, the Mexican government implicated this program as a way to provide the necessary skills to become a business owner. Whether you are in the beginning stages of starting a business or have already begun one this program can be an extremely useful steppingstone to building a lucrative business. For those of you interested in learning more about this program here’s a short summary of just what you can expect.

One step you will take involves going through a program called DreamBuilder. For those unfamiliar, DreamBuilder is a program that offers women the opportunity to enhance their skills as business owners as well as teaches them what skills are needed to start their own business. There are 13 courses, all which can be completed on your own time, ranging in topics from how to build a business successfully to what to expect along the way. In the end, participants will have completed their very own personal business plan so that they can begin their own journey.

Along with that, the program also offers virtual conferences. These conferences are hosted by other entrepreneurs that will share their own journeys, including any pitfalls they encountered along the way. And for those women who haven’t yet started a business, there will be an opportunity to explore different business topics that one might want to explore further. Additionally, mentors will be accessible throughout the experience to encouragement and advice along the way. To wrap things up, you will leave with a list of resources you may find useful, with such things as where you can seek help financially and things of that nature.



Article by
Ava Collins
Content Writer and Researcher

Student award winner Ava Collins