Although there seems to be inconsistencies in the U.S. economy, small firms are consistently persistent in their desire to hire new qualified employees. The National Federation of Independent Business have proven this fact true through their latest monthly employment survey.
There has been a resounding shortage of labor for small businesses which has sent recruiters out eager to hire. However, they all seem to be having one major problem, labor quality continues to be descending making 22% of business owners claim that this is their largest problem, right behind inflation.
60% of business owners have either reported they are hiring, or trying to hire, but almost all these owners cannot find qualified applicants. It seems less people have the proper credentials and qualifications needed for the jobs small businesses are looking to hire for. 32% of business owners claim there is a very small number of qualified applicants, while 23% of owners have reported that no one at all is qualified for the position.
On another note, owners have also reported a seasonally adjusted 49% raise in compensation. Continuing this trend, wages and compensation will continue to rise in the coming months and maybe years. So, it seems small businesses are both desperate to hire, as well as eager to reward their employees with increased pay. In an effort to bring on high quality employees and retain them for the future.
Article by
Derek Bock
Content Writer, Marketer and Researcher