Genius Network Resources

Exclusive content from Genius Network founder Joe Polish on how to grow your business and improve your life.

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What’s The Scooby Snack?

What’s The Scooby Snack?

The Excitement of a New Purchase The moment someone decides to purchase your product or service, they’re filled with excitement and anticipation. This initial burst of enthusiasm is a powerful motivator that drives the decision to buy. However, this excitement is...

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The Importance Of Being A Fit Animal

The Importance Of Being A Fit Animal

In business, you are going to have to have some level of marketing stamina. This is why, when you start out, eating healthy, getting enough sleep and exercising are more important than figuring out how to run a company. You have to be a fit animal. The more fit you...

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The Right Recipe Mix Produces Results

The Right Recipe Mix Produces Results

We don't have a resource problem in the world; We have a distribution problem. People have plenty of great ideas and plenty of solutions. The problem is they don't know how to distribute them to the right people, in the right way, that actually does anything... Think...

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Playing The Right Game

Playing The Right Game

Think about your product and/or service for a moment. You can create and deliver your product/service in the right way… but you know what’s more powerful and useful? Creating and delivering the right product/service. It’s not about doing things right; it’s about doing...

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The Only ROI You Need To Measure

#331 Episode Summary: What’s more important? Return on interaction or return on investment?   Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Connor Blakley in this episode: The Only ROI You Need To Measure: This will change the way you look at your company’s investments...

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A Plethora of Marketing Ideas

#327 Episode Summary: Join Joe Polish, Dean Jackson, and Jason Fladlien for a marketing mashup (with more than an hour of actionable marketing ideas).  Topics covered include the 3 things you need in order to sell anything and make more money, how to create a...

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Oscar Winner Patricia Arquette

#190 Episode Summary: In this video Joe Polish, founder of Genius Network interviews Oscar and Academy Award winner, Patricia Arquette. Patricia shared some of the amazing work she’s doing with the foundation she co-founded   Please donate today:...

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How to Protect Yourself from Crime Online

#189 Episode Summary: Marc Goodman is a global strategist, author and consultant focused on the disruptive impact of advancing technologies on security, business and international affairs.  Over the past twenty years, he has built his expertise in next generation...

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Interview with Arianna Huffington

#148 Episode Summary: Why we need to redefine success with a Third Metric (A lot of really successful people undermine their health and relationship trying to get two metrics of success: Money and Power…but there is A Third Metric – another way to get success – and...

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Interview with FUBU Founder Daymond John

#100 Episode Summary: Three important question to ask yourself when starting a new venture or business Daymond and Joe answer the question: Are entrepreneurs born or made? Two best practices for succeeding as an entrepreneur and in business What really goes on behind...

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Interview with B. Jeffrey Madoff

#94 Episode Summary: Joe Polish Interviews B. Jeffrey Madoff, Founder of Madoff Productions the Innovative Company Behind the Victoria’s Secret Commercials, on creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, success, brand building, core values, marketing, social media,...

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