Welcome to AFE

As a new member, whether you are considering or participating in entrepreneurship, you have joined a community who are pursuing a very different way to live and work. A micro entrepreneur is someone, obviously like you, who has chosen to embrace the values of flexibility and freedom in how and when they work.

You may be working currently as an Agent, Affiliate, Independent Contractor, Freelancer, Gig Worker, Selling Products on eBay, Craigslist, Etsy, your own digital platform, or simply classified as a 1099 Worker in one of its many facets. You may be working a few hours a week or striving to build your endeavor into a very meaningful source of income. You may also be working multiple income earning opportunities – 60% of all gig workers now report working multiple gigs. Regardless of where you may fit into our descriptions, the Association for Entrepreneurship is here for you, to support the Education and Information you will seek to add value to both your life and work, and the Products and Services that you will need to live and work with confidence.

With your new membership, you will receive:

We look forward to meeting with you each month through our newsletter. We also encourage you to visit your AFE website often. The library will continuously expand, and it will be the place where you will find articles, eBooks, podcasts, and videos to keep you inspired and motivated to maximize your potential. Our AFE Community currently represents 200,000+ enrolled members. Our association is what makes us strong! With AFE it’s “Success by Association“.

Best wishes for much success!

Wayne Goshkarian wearking a grey shirt on a grey background

Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor/Communications Director