Do your family members have to repeat things to you constantly? Do you have to listen carefully to podcasts that you could hear easily weeks ago? If so, you’re not alone. Over 450 million people suffer from some form of hearing loss. But determining that you have hearing loss is frustrating at the moment since you don’t want to go to the doctor for an unnecessary visit. So here are some vital signs and prevention methods you need to be aware of.

Challenges Following Group Conversations

If you try to follow a single conversation when several people are talking at once, it’s nearly impossible. But if you struggle to hear one person in a quiet environment or group of friends, it’s a clear sign you need to get your hearing checked.

You Notice Others Mumbling More Frequently

Naturally, the human voice can get lost in the assortment of noise we hear every day like commercials, car engines, or loud music at a cafe. It’s natural to catch someone mumbling once or twice a week, but if it’s happening more often, it can be a cause for concern.

Suffer From Tinnitus

If you have tinnitus, which causes ringing in the ears, you may need a hearing aid, as 90% of people with it have some level of hearing loss. Often enough, the loss or damage of sensory hair cells in the inner ear causes this sensation. Other direct causes include suffering a head injury, consistently exposing yourself to loud sounds, or consuming high amounts of caffeine.

Turning The TV Volume Up High

When watching TV with your family, pay attention to the volume, and how your loved ones are reacting to it. If it’s harder for you to hear or if you’re the only one who struggles to listen to the television, it might be a sign you need to get your hearing looked at. But sometimes the volume per channel varies, so flip through various channels to make sure it’s your hearing.

If you’re experiencing any combination of these signs, speak with your audiologist as soon as possible. If you’re an AFEUSA member, make sure to use your exclusive discount with American Hearing Benefits through your membership portal.


Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor

Wayne Goshkarian in front of his jet